

Hujing Columnar Basalt

1154 Update Date:2023-10-30
Hujingyu is the seventh-largest island in the Penghu archipelago. Hujing Village is in the Dongshan area. Pure, sweet groundwater welled up after a rock collapse formed a deep cave here. Pure, pleasant-tasting water welled up from the ground, so people named the village “Haojing,” which means "good well." 

According to legend, a woman once came with her child to draw water, and the tyke accidentally fell in and drowned. Afterwards, villagers changed the name to "Hujing, or “tiger well,” to warn of the danger of drowning. However, the Taiwanese words for “tiger” and “good” are homophones, so that may be how the place really got its name!
Hujingyu’s columnar basalt is similar to Tongpanyu’s. Both boast magnificent basalt pillars with well-defined columnar joints neatly arrayed along the edges of sheer cliffs, standing like stone forests, grand and imposing. Mountain goats often appear on the grassy slopes below the columns, creating a scene of picturesque beauty unlike any you’ll see anywhere else. In 2020, Hujing Village was named one of Taiwan's classic towns, a tribute to its majestic columnar basalt and its proximity to the Tropic of Cancer.
Traffic Info
23°29'26.01600"N 119°31'40.00800"E
Scenic Spots Information
Historic site category
Opening hours
Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Sunday Open 24 Hours
  • Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hours
  • Thursday Open 24 Hours
  • Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Saturday Open 24 Hours
Telephone No.
Magong City, Penghu County