

Suogang North and South Pagodas

18369 Update Date:2023-10-30
Winters in Penghu are harsh and windy, so residents often set up barriers such as stone tablets or stone towers to break the winds and ward off evil spirits. Two towers stand on the north and south sides of Suogang: Midnight Tower on the north and Midday Tower on the south. 

Initially, the stone towers were seven-tiered. After they collapsed, however, they were rebuilt with nine tiers according to instructions from the gods. The nine-level conical structures consist of black basalt stones stacked in a staircase-like arrangement. A stone tablet placed atop each tower reads, "layer upon layer, one upon another, ascend the nine levels, endure everlastingly,” punning on the words for “nine” and “a very long time.”

Mounds of sand once existed on the shoreline near the towers, but they were gradually eroded by the northeast monsoon winds, eventually disappearing altogether. According to a local saying, “Suogang’s sand fills the Shanshui Bay.” In response, the residents built two stone pagodas to compensate for the damages to feng shui and pray that the shoreline sand would no longer be blown away.

Because no highlands obscure the stone towers, they also serve as directional landmarks, orienting local fishing boats. Not far away are the famous Suogang Fishing Harbor and Suogang Fish Market. Each morning and afternoon, fishing boats return laden with catches for sale at the market, where you can buy the freshest seasonal seafood. If you’d like to explore the underwater world, the nearby Hangwan Water Recreation Area is a great place to dive to learn more about Penghu’s marine environment!
Traffic Info
23°31'31.85343"N 119°36'9.15311"E
Scenic Spots Information
Historic site category
Opening hours
Saturday Open 24 Hours
  • Sunday Open 24 Hours
  • Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hours
  • Thursday Open 24 Hours
  • Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Saturday Open 24 Hours
Telephone No.
Suoguangang, Magong City, Penghu County