

Four-eyes Well, Qianyitang Chinese Drugstore

33093 Update Date:2023-10-30

Central Street was the first street to develop in Magong City, and all the Penghu Islands. It is as old as Magong itself, boasting a history of over 400 years. Once the center of life in Penghu, the thoroughfare is now a popular tourist attraction.

To facilitate water collection as the street developed, residents dug together Penghu’s oldest well, the “Four-eye Well.” The well served as the area’s primary water source before tap water came to the Magong residents and has been designated and preserved as a Penghu County historic monument. The bottom layer of the well is a basalt wall, the upper layer is a coral stone wall, and the top is a red brick wall. Four round holes for drawing water gave this ancient well its name. The well builders laid a granite platform on top to prevent residents from falling in and drilled four round holes. Each hole has an inner diameter of about 35 cm and is surrounded by a low, circular basalt guardrail. The arrangement elevates the well 30 cm above the surrounding roads. Qianyitang, a traditional Chinese medicine shop, is another county-designated historical site. A family business now in its fourth generation, the shop was the first in Penghu to hire a Chinese medical doctor. It is a landmark on Central Street that has witnessed both the Japanese colonial and Republican periods. But Qianyitang is best known for producing medicinal eggs. Tourists visiting Central Street are drawn here by the herbal aroma of a simmering pot of these nutritious treats!


Traffic Info
23°33'53.53200"N 119°33'53.53200"E
Scenic Spots Information
Historic site category
Opening hours
Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Sunday Open 24 Hours
  • Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hours
  • Thursday Open 24 Hours
  • Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Saturday Open 24 Hours
Telephone No.
Penghu CountyMagong CityZhongyang Street, Magong City, Penghu County
Neigboring Attractions