

Snakehead Hill

34823 Update Date:2023-10-30
Snakehead Hill is located on the top of Fenggui peninsula. For the demand of trading business, Dutchmen built the first western style castle in Taiwan in 1622—ever since they invaded Taiwan. Afterwards, batteries and forts were built in different periods. Now, monuments in memory of French soldiers killed in battles and war relics still remain there.
Traffic Info
23°33'3.61080"N 119°32'50.31240"E
Scenic Spots Information
Historic site category
Opening hours
Saturday Open 24 Hours
  • Sunday Open 24 Hours
  • Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hours
  • Thursday Open 24 Hours
  • Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Saturday Open 24 Hours
Telephone No.
Penghu CountyMagong CityFengguiwei, Magong City, Penghu County
Neigboring Attractions