

Tour Information
Sweet Helper for Foreign Travelers – Visitor Centers Offering Foreign Language Tour Guide Services
102-09-04 資訊組 1991

With Penghu officially becoming a member of “The Most Beautiful Bays in the World” on November 12th, 2012, as well as being selected as “The World’s Best Secret Islands” in “Best in Travel 2011” published by the largest travel magazine in the world, Lonely Planet, Penghu features unique charm in the aspects of cultural history and the azure clean ocean to the foreigners, which has enhanced the induction for foreign tourists to the travel in Penghu. According to the investigative report on tourists in National Scenic Areas organized by Gallup Marketing Research Company commissioned by the Tourism Bureau, the international tourists in Penghu has been increased from 12,285 people during 2008 to 17,331 people during 2012, accomplishing over 40% of increase, which also took up 2.56% of the number of tourists for the entire year.

Penghu National Scenic Area Administration also caters for the small number of international backpackers by creating a friendly foreign language traveling environment without communication barriers; the “Construction of Penghu’s Tourism Soft Power – Comprehensive Tour Guide Enhancement Plan and Execution” organized in 2012-2013 has been well received, and foreign language tour guide services will continue to be organized at the visitor centers this year, with further commission to the National Penghu University of Science and Technology to conduct the services, where foreign language service personnel will be dispatched to the South Sea Visitor Center as of September. Moreover, the North Sea Visitor Center will be added on September 16th, and other than providing individual foreign language traveling consultations on site, if there are foreign travelers that require assistance on communications regarding traveling from the Penghu travel industry, the stationed service personnel may be approached at anytime. Contact Tel.: 06-9264738 (South Sea Visitor Center); 06-9933082 (North Sea Visitor Center).



