

Yuwengdao Lighthouse

74830 Update Date:2024-05-27
Yuwengdao Lighthouse was originally named “Xiyu Lighthouse”. Its situated on the southwest highland of Yuwengdao in Waian Village of Xiyu Township in Penghu Islands. Yuwengdao was originally named “Xi yin”, in the 16th century, but the Dutch renamed it “The island of Yuwong(fishermen)”. The island is measured 17.8380km2 in area and 52m in altitude, it is one of the three largest islands in Penghu Islands, along with Penghu Island and Baishayu. Since it is relatively taller than surrounding islets, it became an important indication of shipping route between Taiwan, Fukien, and Amoy since 300 years ago.

Yuwengdao Lighthouse is seated on a granite foundation, the base diameter is approximately 2.5m. With the tower itself coming in slightly towards the top, the ratio of tower top and tower height is 1:2. There is a spiral staircase inside the lighthouse. The upper level is an arch cast iron light screen and a weathercock. There is a cast iron working platform surrounded by iron poles outside the lighthouse, at the height of 6.3m; the lighthouse itself is 11m tall, and the light it 60.7m tall.

The western house next to the lighthouse is built with stone bricks, divided into two levels on the inside. The roof adopts the lower four-sided roofing gradient method, where the horizontal feet of the roofing protrude into the small hallway at the entrance. The blinders are French-styled, all giving off a strong sense of European style architecture. Yuwengdao Lighthouse has a fog signal, three cast iron fog cannons built in the mid Ching Dynasty, and a warning campfire mound left behind from the early days.
Traffic Info
23°33'45.16128"N 119°28'8.58936"E
Scenic Spots Information
Historic site category
Opening hours
Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Sunday Open 24 Hours
  • Monday Open 24 Hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 Hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 Hours
  • Thursday Open 24 Hours
  • Friday Open 24 Hours
  • Saturday Open 24 Hours
Telephone No.
Penghu CountyShiyu TownshipSiyu Township, Penghu County